(Patrick McGuinn in person)
Valpurnis: SatURan (2017, 60 min. Color) Bellowing from the mind of creator Christ Opherstein, this surreal Desert Rock Opera (filmed in Tucson) hurls its politics and religion in your face along with the acid anger of those disenfranchised by society. Judas has sold Jesus to the Romans, and during the Last Supper, reflections of identity, guilt, entitlement and outrage, Judas’ ten songs take the audience hostage for a bumpy, blindfolded ride in the back of an open jeep. Gentle Jesus in various manifestations counters the rage with somber songs of resignation. Opening the filmed Opus is a pre-movie live 30 minute set of distinctly different pop songs, amounting to a highly unusual night of music assault. Brace yourself for the blood of Christ! Afterwards, join cast, crew & director for a Q&A