POWER & PROTEST: Brian Mock’s RNC/DNC Slap Down + Deep State

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(Brian Mock in person)    NOTE DATE CHANGE

Pre-election provocateur, educator & outsider ethnologist Brian Mock presents a startling selection of narrated behind-the-scenes video from both the RNC and DNC! The second part of this evening features the post-Occupy sci-fi essay Deep State by UK artists Karen Mirza and Brad Butler The film takes its title from the Turkish term Derin Devlet, meaning ‘state within the state’. This shadowy nexus of special interests and covert relationships is the place where real power is said to reside, and where fundamental decisions are made – decisions that often run counter to the outward impression of democracy.

SAT 10/24 @ 5:30 & 7:30 PM
(10West Art Walk)

07 hard_to_be_a_god

Aleksei Guerman’s Hard to be a God (FREE )

The late Russian director Aleksei Guerman’s last film is a grandly arbitrary carnival of neo-medieval depravity. It’s also a mudpunk allegory of Russian barbarism and backwardness. The action of this sci-fi film is set on a planet parallel to earth that knew no Renaissance (let alone an Enlightenment) and keeps its inhabitants, with their modern-day consciousness and vernacular, trapped in the low-tech crudeness and amoral violence of the Middle Ages. Monstrous visions appear with an obsessive attention to detail; with a glistening black-and-white palette, the director smears the screen with mud, blood, and excrement! (Mature Content)

Wed 9/23 @ 7:30
DISASTER! The Mystifying Works of J.G Ballard

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The Mystifying Works of J.G Ballard

(w/ Christopher Cokinos, Brad Schauer and Geoff Notkin in person! Live skype w/Juliette Lee)

Join poet, science fiction critic and nonfiction author Christopher Cokinos and his guests in a night of readings and films celebrating the work of visionary Sci-Fi writer, J.G. Ballard, including selections from CRASH and THE DROWNED WORLD.  Special screenings include the 1971 BBC hybrid video essay “Towards Crash”, a riveting BBC production called “Home,” based on the Ballard story “The Enormous Space,” and snippets from the disturbing film version of THE ATROCITY EXHIBITION.