Originating from Albuquerque, New Mexico, Glitter Vomit is a solo music project of Jazmyn Crosby with current collaborators Tom Foe and Beth Hansen. Glitter Vomit is music about miscommunication and the tools that make it happen. Glitter vomit sounds like static—it sounds like long slow thoughts, vulnerable sparse and layered guitar, cell phone, radio, and vocals in an echo chamber. It is music that you might hear in a basement after the apocalypse, with projections flickering like television light, mourning the loss of communication in the digital age.
Friday 7/12
Thollem’s Electric Confluence//Weyant//Sanchez// Trejo
Thollem’s Electric Confluence is a series of compositions for solo synthesizer integrating the multitudinous sonic experiences from Thollem’s life-long travels throughout the U.S., his curiosity and appreciation of diverse cultures and musical approaches. His compositions combine elements from disparate musics such as Gamelan, Taiko Drumming, Appalachian Folk Music, Baroque, Electro-Acoustic music, Noise, Blues, Tango, Salsa, Persian Music and more. “His compositions are a wonder, transforming the keys into a texturally staggering ensemble.” – Detroit Metro Times
Glenn Weyant is a Tucson-based jongleur. His work has been featured in global media but don’t take their word for it, come listen for yourself.vFor his last performance in Arizona, Glenn will premier a new composition — zugunruhe synanthrope — played in a Mauerkrankheit-style upon electric guitar and electronics. More about Glenn can be found at sonicanta.com, all over the internet, and at the ever awesome Electric Fetus.
Anthony Sanchez & Danielle Sanchez
Using modular analog synthesis and field recordings Anthony & Danielle Sanchez’ music, “…mimics the lazy and hazy desert days and nights by mixing organic samples of birds and civil rights speeches with ethereal soul samples and watery, chanted vocals. Flicks of drum noise fly around the sonic field and an electric pulse slowly builds from background to forefront. Samples swirl through circular patterns before the beat collapses in on itself and turns into mixture of bipolar organic and electronic elements.”
Chelsey Lee Trejo
Experimental ambient folk-blues with a drone undertone.
Friday 9/21
Thollem’s Electric Confluence//Weyant//Sanchez// Trejo
Thollem / electric amalgam of PsychPunk, WorldBlues, NoiseLounge Post-Americana + Glenn Weyant / Tucson-based jongleur + Anthony & Danielle Sanchez / analog synths & organic samples + Chelsey Lee Trejo / experimental ambient folk-blues with a drone undertone = a quality brew of revolutionary entertainment
Thollem’s Electric Confluence is a series of compositions for solo synthesizer integrating the multitudinous sonic experiences from Thollem’s life-long travels throughout the U.S., his curiosity and appreciation of diverse cultures and musical approaches. His compositions combine elements from disparate musics such as Gamelan, Taiko Drumming, Appalachian Folk Music, Baroque, Electro-Acoustic music, Noise, Blues, Tango, Salsa, Persian Music and more. “His compositions are a wonder, transforming the keys into a texturally staggering ensemble.” – Detroit Metro Times
Glenn Weyant is a Tucson-based jongleur. His work has been featured in global media but don’t take their word for it, come listen for yourself.vFor his last performance in Arizona, Glenn will premier a new composition — zugunruhe synanthrope — played in a Mauerkrankheit-style upon electric guitar and electronics. More about Glenn can be found at sonicanta.com, all over the internet, and at the ever awesome Electric Fetus.
WED 3/23
Jodorowsky’s The Holy Mountain w/ live music by Jeff Lownsbury & Connor Gallaher
Just in time for un-Easter, EV presents Alejandro Jodorowsky’s phenomenal filmic tale of occult psychedelic wonders! A scandal when first released in 1973, The Holy Mountain is a dazzling visual feast of ritual and symbol, an often sublime and grotesque satire on consumerism, militarism and the exploitation of third world cultures by the West. Augmenting the film’s original Don Cherry soundtrack this film with be re-scored live with improvisational sonic interventions from Tucson sound wizards Jeff Lownsbury & Connor Gallaher (both of The Night Collectors). Come blow your mind and raise your eyes/ears/soul to the heavens!!
Blood Red Italian Horror: SUSPERIA !!!
Wednesday, November 26
Blood Red Italian Horror: SUSPERIA !!!
Dario Argento’s Susperia with a live performance soundtrack by Eric Schlappi
Eric Schlappi will be presenting a live tribute to Goblin by covering and interpreting their original soundtrack to Suspiria with a full band of acoustic and electric instruments, analogue synthesizers and WITCHES. Tonight re-experience Susperia, the landmark horror fantasy from cult director Dario Argento- dubbed the Italian Hitchcock for his mastery of suspense. Jessica Harper plays a dancer at a German ballet school where witches prowl the corridors. The famous opening 20 minutes of this Snow White fairy tale (by way of Thomas De Quincey’s hallucinatory Confessions of an Opium Eater) are an unforgettable experience, and the whole film is a stunning combination of menacing Grand Guignol atmosphere, dazzling colours, gory violence, lush décor and pounding live remixing of the Goblin soundtrack.
Wed 11/26
Blood Red Thanksgiving: SUSPERIA !!! Dario Argento’s Susperia with a live performance soundtrack by Eric Schlappi
Eric Schlappi will be presenting a live tribute to Goblin by covering and interpreting their original soundtrack to Suspiria with a full band of acoustic and electric instruments, analogue synthesizers and WITCHES. Tonight re-experience Susperia, the landmark horror fantasy from cult director Dario Argento- dubbed the Italian Hitchcock for his mastery of suspense. Jessica Harper plays a dancer at a German ballet school where witches prowl the corridors. The famous opening 20 minutes of this Snow White fairy tale (by way of Thomas De Quincey’s hallucinatory Confessions of an Opium Eater) are an unforgettable experience, and the whole film is a stunning combination of menacing Grand Guignol atmosphere, dazzling colours, gory violence, lush décor and pounding live remixing of the Goblin soundtrack.
LIVE VIDEO TRANSFORMATION HEX! Qalhexico: Video performance + late night SURPRISE Black Metal Trance Film!!
Wednesday, October 15
Qalhexico: Video performance + late night SURPRISE Black Metal Trance Film!!
QALHEXICO presents “Da’ath I,” an audio-visual spell cast against the Worldwide Mad Deadly Gangster Gods of War & Industry. The ceremonial performance is a live mix of drone music & esoteric video projections. Invoked by members Samantha Angiulo, R.A Sanchez, Heather Gray, and Adam Cooper-Terán. QALHEXICO is a coven of drone occultists from Tucson and Phoenix engaged in psychic battle against the Worldwide Mad Deadly Gangster Gods of War & Industry. The second portion of the evening, EV presents a stunning feature length film on utopian society, ecology and Black Metal.