6PM (free)
Whether iconic or obscure, wild or laid back, we respond to the art of record album covers in deeply personal ways. Here, in Tucson, vinyl is omnipresent and alive in record swaps, fairs, thrift stores, yard sales and living rooms. EV has invited over 20 artists, dj’s, musicians and collagists to respond to the challenge of altering (re-invented through any desired medium or means) one album cover as a 12.25” x 12.25” canvas for their own imagination. Participants include: Boyd + Lesli Peterson, Fish Karma, Al Perry, Nika Kaiser, Kidd Squidd, Eric Kroll,Carl Hanni, Nick Georgiou,Wesley Fawcett Creigh, Clif Taylor, Christopher Stevens, Carrie Vonier, Bill Mackey, Tom Walbank, Beth Weinstein, Adam Cooper-Teran, Igloo Martian, Andy Burgess, R.Pinpole, Debra Gregerman, Melissa Mauzy, Mommy Ballon, Laurie McKenna, Donovan White , Michael Cadieux, Heather Gray, Timo Sweet, Dimitri Kozyrev. Join us at the opening for an unveiling of re-configured cover-art as well as a spinning of chosen LP’s!
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